The Youth Ministry at Orangefield exists to introduce the love of Jesus to all young people, to help them grow in their relationship with Him and equip them to live their faith out loud in the everyday encounters they have with others.
Morning Service
Crèche • Crèche Room
The Crèche Room is available during Sunday Worship. You must accompany your child.
Morning Service
Pre-School to P6 • Church
Sharing and Learning Together – the whole church family gather together on Sunday mornings to worship. During the service, our kids go to SALT to learn about who God is, His love for them and what the Bible says about how to follow Him through fun activities, talks, small groups and kids’ worship.
Time: Wednesday's - 10am to 11:45am
T'n'C @ OPC (tea & chat/tots & chat!) is for toddlers & their carers. So why don't you come to OPC for a wee cuppa & chat while your toddler has some fun playing! s, grandparents and child-minders to bring their kids (babies to nursery age) to enjoy tabletop games, ride-on toys, craft and other fun activities. Juice, biscuits, fruit, tea/coffee are provided!
As numbers are limited, you need to sign up to come along,
Please register using the link on the What's on calendar - please add a ticket for each child.
Also, please bring your own cup & one for your child - we'll fill it with tea/coffee/juice! Really look forward to seeing you then!
RAINBOWS: 4 - 7 year olds • BROWNIES: 7 - 10 year olds
Time : Monday - 6.30 – 8pm
This is a fun and safe place for girls to come and learn how to reach their full potential and take up an active role in society through activities, badge work and games.
Time : Thursday - Various Times
The Girls’ Brigade at Orangefield is a fun and energetic place for girls of all ages to come and discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus!
6.30pm – 7.45pm Explorers Section (aged 3-8)
Girls MUST be 3 years of age by 1st July each year to be eligible to join in September.
7pm – 9.00pm Juniors Section (P5 – P7)
7pm – 9.30pm Seniors Section (Years 8 – 10)
7pm – 9.30pm Brigaders Section (Years 11 – 14)
P1 – Yr 14
Time: Friday - Various times
The Boys’ Brigade at Orangefield is committed to helping boys and young men discover their full potential and explore what it looks like to live out their faith
7pm – 8pm : Anchor Boys (P1 to P4)
7pm – 8pm : Junior Section (P5 to P7)
7.40pm – 10.00pm : Company Section (Yr8 - Yr11)
7.40pm – 11.00pm : Senior Section (Yr12 - Yr14)
Time : Mon - Fri: 9.00 - 11:45
Venue : Creche Room
Our daily playgroup is a happy, caring and stimulating space for your child, with a wide range of activities which help develop a child’s physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social skills.
Our purpose-built playroom has children’s toilets, kitchen, a quiet area and an adjoining outdoor playground with safety surface, road track and a playhouse.
Limited places, preference is given to older children from the local area from all sections of the community.
Registered & inspected by Belfast Health & Care Trust. Accredited by Early Years.)
Games, crafts, talks, singing, dancing, puppets and lots more. Come along meet the J-Crew, torment the leaders and have a great time. All the while learn about who God is, his story and what he’s all about.
Register at church on Sundays or online from this website – watch out for the announcement from mid-June onwards.
P4 – Yr 14
Time: Every Monday & Friday
Venue: OAK Centre, Clarawood Park
Youth Club seeks to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs of young people in our local communities. It is a cool place for young people to come and hang out – enjoy football, craft, games, activities, food, homework space and so much more.
7 :00 – 8:15pm : Juniors (P4 to Yr8)
8:30 – 10pm : Seniors (Yr8 to Yr14)
P1 – Yr 14
Time: Every Friday
Venue: Clonduff Community Centre, Clonduff Drive
Youth Club seeks to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs of young people in our local communities. It is a cool place for young people to come and hang out – enjoy football, craft, games, activities, food, homework space and so much more.
6 – 6:45pm : P1 to P3
7 – 8:15pm : P4 to P7
8:30 – 10pm : Yr8 to Yr14