Prayer is talking and listening to God, our Heavenly Father, who made us, loves us, and is releasing his hope in us and through us to a broken world. Prayer is nothing to be scared of and in Orangefield we want to help you to learn to pray and to experience God through prayer.
As a church family we gather to pray regularly.
1st Wed each month:
Intercessory Prayer Gathering @ 7.30 - 8.30pm
3rd Wed each month:
Quiet Hour - an hour of Silent prayer and guided Christian reflection and meditation @ 7.30pm
As a church family we have built into our annual rhythms 4 weeks of 24/7 Prayer. We as a church will slow down and pray, both individually and together.
Prayer ministry happens in our Sunday gatherings and at other times throughout the week. It involves 2 people sitting with you and very gently praying for you and helping you listen for what God may be saying to you. Prayer Ministry is a great way to encounter God and to experience his love, presence, words and healing.