Orangefield Presbyterian Church


Home Groups in Orangefield provide a wonderful opportunity for connection, growth and support with others in our church family.

The purpose of Home Groups matches the four priorities of our church:

PRESENCE - Seeking after and moving in the presence, love and power of the Holy Spirit.

WORD - Letting God speak to us as we read and discuss the Bible.

PEOPLE - Forming deep relationships that honour and care for one another.

WORLD - Partnering with the Spirit to identify, encourage and participate in Kingdom transformation.

How do Home Groups work?

  • FREQUENCY - Groups meet fortnightly, normally on the same week as the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. They break over the summer and Christmas.
  • SIZE - Groups range from approximately 6-14 members and include individuals from all ages and stages.
  • FORMAT - Each meeting lasts around 90 mins to 2 hours and includes catch up, Bible reading, discussion and prayer. Many groups pick up discussion on the Sunday teaching while others follow other courses. Groups also hold some informal social gatherings.
  • LEADERSHIP - Each group has an individual or couple who are appointed and supported by the church to provide direction and encouragement.
  • EXPECTATIONS - Groups come in all shapes and sizes and they work best with leaders who are committed to the care and discipling of the group and members who are committed to attending, participating and honouring one another.

How to get involved

Individuals can join a group at any point but to help receive new members well, there is a focus on invitation, twice a year - in September and January.

If you are interested in joining a group or finding out more, just click the button below and fill in the interest form. Someone will be in touch in the following week to answer questions and explain the next steps.