God loves you, physically, spiritually, emotionally and relationally, and so do we. Our pastoral team and our whole church aim to care for you in your moment of need and equip you to be a person who releases God’s care for others
Pastoral care can look like a cup of coffee, a visit in hospital, a conversation after our Sunday gathering or helping you with your shopping. In these and other ways, we want you to experience the transforming love and kindness of God. If you need help or would like to help please contact the office.
Grieving the loss of someone close to you? Find comfort and Support at Griefshare. Our group can offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time.
The course runs for 13 weeks and we normally run Griefshare twice per year. Due to the current restrictions we are running this online.
For details of our next course, please contact the church office via email: office@orangefield.org.uk
The Hamper Ministry allows us as a church to provide food and toiletries and other help to families and individuals in moments when they are finding things difficult, whether due to ill health, unemployment or any other reason. It’s a practical way to bless people with God’s love.
If you are struggling, or know someone who is, please contact our office and we would love to help.
You can donate to this ministry through our Benevolent fund using the link below.